Thursday, 11 October 2012


  1. This is a thought I have always held on my mind. I have always wondered if any other person shares the same opinion. It is an approach I have to life which I can’t really remember how I caught it. This thought, or opinion, or approach, whichever you choose, is the target of living a debt free life. Somehow, living on borrowed money or borrowing to survive is one thing I detest and those lines of Scripture that says, ‘Owe no man anything…’ and the other one that says, ‘the borrower is a slave to the lender’ encourages my resolve not to go the way of the borrower. I also agree that a man who desires to attain financial freedom must form a habit of not borrowing to live. While I kept gleaning from pages on financial wisdom I came across this piece by Faith A. Oyedepo to the singles and it says,
  2. “What do you gain buying clothes, shoes, jewellery, television set, telephone hand set, etc on credit when the ones you have are not complaining? Who are you trying to impress? Please live your size per time and cut off from friends who drive you to live above your means. Engage in buying things that are necessary and vital per time for God hates waste. (John 6:12)”
  3. Those lines actually triggered me to put up this piece and I hope it benefits you real good. Thanks for reading this and God bless you!

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