Thursday, 29 September 2016


Following the cloud is a phrase God put on my mind some years back when He began to teach me the importance of following divine guidance in the business of daily living. The phrase simply refers to following God as He leads per time as exemplified by the Israelites when they moved from Egypt to the land of promise. A brief account of that Israelite experience is captured in the Bible book of Numbers 9:15-23. I began to learn that true success is not measured by possession and popularity. I understood it is measured by the level of attainment of God's original purposes and plans for a man's life. I as well understood that following God's guidance per time is the surest way to attain the true success I so much desired. Everyone maybe alive and living but very many are simply existing, with no meaningful purpose or intent to their lives. Having discovered the importance of following the cloud (i.e following God's periodic leadings), I have chosen to stay in touch with the "control tower" like a pilot flying a plane and like a driver on a journey my mind is fixed on my destination so that I will know when I reach there ... To be continued.

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