In this age and time, being an introvert
does not seem to be what anyone easily
admits to....readily, everyone is trying to
prove they have the requisite social skills
of an extrovert.
However, here are funny but real reasons
why you just might be an
read on!
does not seem to be what anyone easily
admits to....readily, everyone is trying to
prove they have the requisite social skills
of an extrovert.
However, here are funny but real reasons
why you just might be an
read on!
1. You think before you talk and check
before you chat
Sort of the right thing to do huh?...You
have a consistently running internal
monologue that screens every word
before it drops from your mouth. Not a
fast speaker there...You screen your chats
too severally, before you send
2. You go to parties -– but not to meet
people. may not necessarily be
hanging out alone...but meeting new
people is rarely the goal of attending a
party. You simply get in your safe
harbour- looking out for your friends and
hanging out with them.
3. Great speaker, fearful mingler
You may not be shy...infact, you can give a
great speech in front of 500 people but
mingling with them one-on-one
afterwards is a huge problem.
4. You hate idle chatter
You can be in a room with room mates
with them discussing on a topic without
necessarily making a
hate small talk not because you hate
people but because they seem
meaningless to you.
5. You are self conscious
Since you are not doing most of the
talking, you are doing most of the
observing and hence, assume that
everyone is observing you in the same
way...judging the way you speak, your
accent etc....whereas, they might not
necessarily be doing so.
6. You like extreme sitting positions
When you have to sit at a bench, you
don't sit in the middle because you don't
like being surrounded by people on all
sides. In church, you prefer the extreme
rows of seats to the middle ones.
7. You dread audience participation
You prefer a talk or a lecture to a
discussion or interaction. If you must be
involved in the latter, you must have been
informed earlier so that you can
"compose yourself".
8. You've been accused severally of not keeping in touch
The funny part is that you cannot fathom
why someone who called you three days
back would call you and say something like;
"You have forgotten me abi..."
and you're like,
"Are we supposed to be talking everyday"? also do not like midnight,
except its utterly the last resort.
For you, it's too much time to waste on "nonsense talk".
You screen all your calls and you may
not pick up your phone even from people you
like only to call them back as soon as you’re
mentally prepared and have gathered the energy
for the conversation.
9. You're a Writer ...a good one at that.
Or sometimes, a poet.
You prefer to put your ideas in writing
than to speak them because the former gives
you the opportunity to perfectly choose your
words and structure your thoughts.
10. Friends made you and not the other way round
Check out the list of your closest and distant
friends and you'd realize that they made more
efforts at being your friend than you did
at the initial stage before you settled into the friendship.
"Are we supposed to be talking everyday"? also do not like midnight,
except its utterly the last resort.
For you, it's too much time to waste on "nonsense talk".
You screen all your calls and you may
not pick up your phone even from people you
like only to call them back as soon as you’re
mentally prepared and have gathered the energy
for the conversation.
9. You're a Writer ...a good one at that.
Or sometimes, a poet.
You prefer to put your ideas in writing
than to speak them because the former gives
you the opportunity to perfectly choose your
words and structure your thoughts.
10. Friends made you and not the other way round
Check out the list of your closest and distant
friends and you'd realize that they made more
efforts at being your friend than you did
at the initial stage before you settled into the friendship.
If you can boast of some of these qualities,
then check again...against your initial
judgement, you just might be an introvert!
judgement, you just might be an introvert!
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